
Am updatad WordPress-ul la ultima versiune, 2.5. N-ar trebui să simţiţi nici o diferenţă, dar dacă descoperiţi buguri sau chestii care nu mai merg, let me know.

Posted at 10am on 4/5/08 | 3 comments | Filed Under: Website | post page

Sunny Sunday

Şi weekend-ul ăsta am avut parte de vreme super aşa că am profitat şi am mai dat o tură prin oraş. Auzisem de la prieteni că la Guggenheim ar fi un exhibit interesant – un gigel care face experimente cu gunpowder – şi cum şi Erica auzise de el şi vroia să-l vadă ne-am îndreptat întâi într-acolo. Din păcate nu ne-au lăsat să facem poze de nici un fel, aşa că tot ce puteţi să vedeţi e front-ul muzeului.

După muzeu am mai dat o tură prin Central Park (cam toate muzeele mari din Manhattan sunt de-o parte şi de alta a parcului) şi de acolo am poze:

Am şi câteva poze de prin oraş, în drum spre metrou. Park şi Madison Avenue:

Posted at 10pm on 3/30/08 | 3 comments | Filed Under: Photos, Story | post page

Dining in Astoria, ep. I

Just one block away from my home there is a cozy little place called Mundo. We came across it on Saturday night while looking for a quick bite. The sign outside said something about Argentinian and Turkish cuisine, so that caught our attention.

Inside, a tiny place – from their website I get that during summer they also have tables outside – but very warm and welcoming. It was completely packed, but fortunately we didn’t have to wait a lot for a table. The waiter told us that people coming for the first time usually like to sample a few appetizers and he recommended the place’s signature dish: Red Sonja. We decided to have an eggplant dip, cheese rolls and his recommendation.

Everything was absolutely delicious, especially the Red Sonja: four red lentil patties with cracked wheat, scallion, parsley & oriental spices on a bed of lettuce with lemon wedges (yes, I copied the description from the menu, you didn’t think I remembered the ingredients, did you?). For dessert we split a pastry with semolina, nuts and ice-cream that was absolutely fantastic.

We’re definitely going to visit the place again, and I’m going to recommend it to all my vegetarian friends. I know they’ll love it.

Red Sonja
Cheese Rolls
Warm Semolina Helva with ice-cream

Neither of us had our camera so the pictures were taken with my phone. Sorry for the low quality.

Posted at 9pm on 3/30/08 | no comments; | Filed Under: Astoria Dining, English, Food, Photos, Story | post page

Dining in Astoria, prelude

Last night Erica and I decided to sample the dining options in Astoria. Personally I’ve been to a couple of places before, but there are a lot which I didn’t get a chance to try yet. While enjoying the excellent appetizers and sneaking pictures with the phone (see the next post for details) I came up with the idea to write about this endeavor. Not just last night, but every time we go out to try a new place.

Lo and behold, Dining in Astoria, the first series on my blog. I’ll post new “episodes” each time we get to sample a new restaurant, diner or cafe in the area, and there are plenty of them.

Note for my Romanian readers: I’ll write the posts in this series in English, so my friends here can benefit from them as well.

Posted at 9pm on 3/30/08 | no comments; | Filed Under: Astoria Dining, English | post page

Churrascaria revisited

Vineri seara am fost s-o sărbătorim pe Christine – prietena lui Sean şi colegă cu noi – la Porcao, steakhouse-ul brazilian la care am mai fost before. Am fost vreo 16 persoane, majoritatea de la muncă. Ne-am îndopat – ca de fiecare dată – cu o grămadă de varietăţi de carne, de la prime rib steak la turkey wrapped in bacon. Cred că n-are rost să mai zic că a fost super yummy 🙂

Poze când fact rost.

Posted at 7pm on 3/30/08 | no comments; | Filed Under: Story | post page

Portable pwnage


P.S. Da, ştiu că aveţi ISOul de ceva vreme, but mine’s prettier :p

Posted at 9pm on 3/25/08 | 1 comment | Filed Under: Games | post page


Cum acasă am deja o colecţie imensă de wallpapers (vreo 10 giga la ultimul count), m-am gândit să le shareuiesc pe cele mai marfă cu restul lumii. Aşa că am adăugat un nou box în dreapta, unde o să postez ultimul wallpaper cool pe care îl găsesc. Click on it for the whole gallery (de fapt galleries, că sunt 2: una pentru wallpapers fullscreen şi una pentru widescreen).

Feel free to contribute.

Posted at 9pm on 3/24/08 | 4 comments | Filed Under: Website | post page

NYTE at the museum

Acum câteva săptămâni am dat de un articol pe BoingBoing despre un exhibit la Museum of Modern Art despre design şi tehnologii moderne – de la nanotech la Web 2.0. Un exemplu care mi s-a părut interesant ar fi NYTE, un sistem real-time de vizualizare al legăturilor VoIP cu origine în New York.

Cum azi se arăta o zi frumoasă, am luat-o pe Erica şi am ieşit la plimbare. Am dat întâi o tură prin Central Park…

…apoi prin oraş…

…până am ajuns la MoMA.

Unul din display-uri era o masă de PONG digitală şi… un PainStation 🙂

După muzeu am mai mers un pic prin oraş, pe lângă Rockafeller Center. Am luat cina la un restaurant japonez şi apoi am luat-o spre casă.

Posted at 10pm on 3/23/08 | 1 comment | Filed Under: Photos, Story | post page

ASCII curtains

Super idee.

Posted at 11am on 3/20/08 | 1 comment | Filed Under: Others | post page

Surveilling the future

Advertisement in Time Magazine…

Strolling happily towards the surveillance society.

Posted at 7pm on 3/18/08 | 3 comments | Filed Under: English, Politics, Scans | post page
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