The Third Coming

This is the third time I get to sit down and try to write about my life. First time it was in 2005 – shortly after I moved to New York – when I started writing on Blogger about my experiences in America. Everything was new and interesting and I was happy to talk about it. It lasted about a year.

Second time it was just after I got my own domain, when I set up a WordPress on this URL and took things a bit further. Things became more detailed, I was writing about movies I’ve seen and food I’ve tried and posted lots and lots of pictures. The audience was still just my friends back home – all the posts were written in Romanian – since everybody here already knew what I was up from Facebook or, more recently, Twitter.

And yet, in time, I started slacking again. The writing became a chore. Some posts took me hours to write, since my OCD need for “perfection” had me typing with Romanian diacritics and writing HTML code for each image in order to display them just right in the blog’s layout. And a few months down the line, when I found a different theme or layout, all this was wasted.

I lost my patience. I feel the need to write – well, sometimes – and I love the feeling that I know my friends still check up on me from time to time. But I had to make things easier, which is why you’re staring at a brand new blog instead of just a new theme. I also decided to write in English – much to the dismay of some of my readers who were reminded of me just by my style of “speaking” – but hopefully this will let me share this with more people.

Welcome to the third coming. It will be better this time.


  1. adder says:

    Welcome back (again again). Why is everything so big? And what happened to the comments RSS feed?

  2. adder says:

    Found the comment RSS feed. It was probably unhappy because it was empty Smile

  3. grinch says:

    Banuiesc ca nu se supara nimeni daca comentam in romana. Nu strica un font putin mai mic. Pai si care e treaba? Nu erai multumit cu audienta de ‘acasa’. Ti-o extinzi cu oamenii de pe FB/Twitter? Si daca nu ne mai spui povesti din America, atunci care e misiunea ta scriitoriceasca?
    Succes pe “Partea cealalta”.

  4. Andrei says:

    Well, welcome back! In whichever form you decide to reinvent your online presence, we will still come and read your blog. We still love you!

    On the technical part of things – I like the new layout. Makes my squinty little eyes happy. Plus it gives the impression you write a lot!

    The real question is – what are you going to write about? If we are left without your culinary crusade around New York we at least demand other subjects!

    Oh, and they say third time’s a charm.

  5. S says:

    Hey… you’re back! And I’m back! Glad to find out you’re still posting things.