A Sad Good-Bye

It wasn’t a good end of week. Bogdi and Roxana’s grandma passed away on Thursday night after a long battle with cancer. The funeral was today. Had to skip work to attend it – which is sure to get me in trouble with HR – but I wouldn’t have thought of missing it.

I usually don’t get overly personal on my blog – especially about somebody else’s personal problems – but I knew her for a good while and it’s because of her family that I am here today. During my last years in Romania I was the link she had with the loved ones here and I always used to visit her before and after each of my trips to the US. I was very happy when she finally came here and got reunited with the rest of the family, I only wish it would have been for longer. She was a wonderful, loving person and always treated me like one of her grandchildren.

Rest in peace grandma, you will be missed.


  1. adder says:

    Sorry to hear. My condolences.