Posted at 22:49 on November 27th
Bags are packed, batteries are charged, everything is ready. In 5 hours a cab will pick me up and take me to the airport. After changing planes in Miami, I should be landing in San Juan at 2PM local time.
I will be back next Sunday, after midnight. Expect impressions and pictures sometime during the week after.
Posted at 12:11 on November 26th
In two days I’m leaving for a one week trip to Costa Rica that I’ve been planning with my friends. We will spend the first half at a resort in the jungle – next to an active volcano – and the last days on the beach, at the Pacific.
I’ve been glancing over a guidebook for the past hours and they had this to say about the the first area we’ll be staying at:
Tabacón is a high-risk zone and lies directly in the path of the volcano’s eruptive path (the former community of Tabacón was decimated in 1968 by an eruption that killed 78 people; and in June 1975, an eruptive avalanche passed over the site of today’s Balneario). A potential deadly avalache occurs within the zone once every two or three years, often without warning, and it is unlikely that anyone in its path could get out of the way in time.
Sounds like fun 
Posted at 14:13 on November 22nd
Another great example of Amazon’s suggestion engine 

So far they recommended this (based on a history of ActionScript searches) and this. They know me so well…