Back at the Writing Table

Yup, it’s been a while.

Mostly because I… errr… ah, fuck it, I just didn’t feel like writing, ok? Been busy at work, busy at home – either playing games (it’s that time of the year again) or just plain relaxing with my new Netflix subscription.

But I’m all good, healthy and happy. Pictures from recent events can be found at the usual place Wink


  1. s says:

    yey!!! Nu-mi vine sa cred….
    Ma resemnasem la ideea ca mai sunt cateva luni (vreo 10…) si e iar the season to be jolly, asa ca eram gata sa astept Grin

  2. adder says:

    Woah, it’s alive again Smile

  3. Andrei says:

    you can blame it on writer’s block – or too few bubbles in today’s tea…

    having said that, welcome back, thank god no more jolly holiday cheers, and get your ass writing!