Back in the Saddle

Holy crap, it’s been over a month since I wrote anything! No wonder people are asking if I’m still alive…

Well the thing is, the second half of April was very busy, and not just because of my birthday. It went by – screwing with my head and my heart – with tumultuous consequences. A lot of drama followed – not something I want in my personal life – but what’s important is that everything is ok now. I apologize if I’m not making much sense, but at this point, if you’re reading this blog then you already know what I’m talking about…

But yeah, things are pretty awesome now: I have a wonderful girlfriend, work is going great and I’m planning a trip to France, Spain and Romania Grin in August-September.

So, back to work!


  1. adder says:

    Welcome back Razz

  2. s says:

    The prodigal roommate returns!
    Welcome back!

    PS. your post reminds me of this:

    Nash: I’ve met a girl.
    Charles: An actual human girl? Homo sapien, biped?
    Nash: And contrary to all probabilities, she finds me attractive on a number of different levels.
    Charles: That’s wonderful. Although there’s no accounting for taste.
    Nash: Do I marry her? I mean, it all seems to add up . . . But how do you know for sure?
    Charles: Nothing’s ever for sure. That’s the only sure thing I know.