New Car

We have a car!

After a two month long ordeal – going from dealership to dealership and getting screwed over – and paying a ton of money for rentals, we finally have our car. It’s a 2012 Hyundai Elantra, Limited Edition, jam-packed with gadgets and technology, just how I like it.

Another Recap

Another recap for the past few weeks:

  • While waiting for my iPad 2 to be delivered, I found this page, detailing how you can find out if nearby Target stores have it in stock. So I made a simple web page to check the inventory. A couple of days later, Gizmodo wrote about it and I got 20,000 hits that day. Even though I just got my own, I still want to improve that page – add Best Buy, Walmart and other stores – since I still have over 1,000 hits a day. I’m also thinking of creating iPhone and Android apps to make it easier to search on the go. It’s been proven useful so far, I got a bunch of thank you emails from people that got theirs through my page Smile
  • Started a new job this past week. After over 4 years at my previous company, I felt it was time to move on. I can’t give many details on my current place – what we do is under NDA – but it’s a very cool idea – both challenging and fun. I’m also working with two of my friends – Ethan and Fitim – so that’s another plus. My only gripe so far is with the office space, which is kinda crappier than what I had before. But I guess that’s how startups are…
  • Spent this weekend in Rhode Island with Cindy and some friends. We came here to watch a concert – Carmina Burana – where one of their friends was performing. The concert was great and on the way back we got to enjoy some of the finest lobsters New England has to offer. A few pics here, video of ‘O Fortuna’ here.
  • Oh yeah, I got an iPad2! Loving it so far, I have a ton of games to catch up on. It will also be my primary ebook reader – with the Kindle app ofc, none of that iBooks crap.
  • Got tickets for my parents who are coming to visit me next month. They’ll be here for a month, just like last time. The bets are open on how long it’ll take them to drive me crazy.
  • I’m turning 30 in less than ten days. That’s a good thing, right?

Secret Santa

Last night I came home to find a package. From Romania. From somebody I never heard of. Inside there were gifts for me and Cindy (!) and a ton of chocolate, candy and snacks that I love. There was a note saying we’re been good kids and Santa is sending us those gifts… and no signature.

I suspected a couple of friends but they all denied it when confronted. I have another lead but I can’t verify it yet. But still, whoever you are, thank you.


The culprits have been found and promptly punished thanked.