Another Place for Photos

Found this website yesterday (via Twitter), another place to store your photos online. It was recommended by one of the best designers out there and you can tell from the start that it was built by someone with a lot of artistic style and attention to detail. Basically, it’s pretty.

I uploaded a few random pics I took with my GF1 over here. Enjoy!

Snow Day

Woke up this morning to find this outside my window. So I grabbed my camera and on my way to work I snapped a few pics on my block:

Holiday Cheer

‘Tis the season to be jolly!

This has been a pretty packed holiday – usually I get to spend these days indoors catching up with videogames I want to play – but this year was different. Lots of people, parties, going out, things to do.

The Christmas lunch was at Nico’s with all the gang. As usual, we got stuffed like this was gonna be our last meal on Earth, but the food was top-notch.  Afterward we went to see Sherlock Holmes – which is fun btw.

Yesterday I traveled to Brooklyn to Roxy and Slava’s place for another get-together. There was Russian traditional food, lots of booze and happy music. Pictures from the joyous event can be found here.

Looks like this is it for 2009, so I’ll see you all happy people next year. Cheerios.