Back to Touring NYC

The trip to Canada was great, but very short – I had only a day and a half to spend with my friends and my godson, in between a bachelor party and a wedding. It ended as quick as it started, with me hitching a cab from the chapel to the airport.

I got to NYC in time and later that night my friends got here. So far I took them to see most of Manhattan – well, most of midtown and downtown – and to some of my favorite food places. So far they seem to like it. I’ll be elaborating on later posts, with pics.

Now to try to catch some sleep – I really need some rest after these days – and the fact that one of my friends snores like a bear doesn’t help at all. Might have to hit him with something. ZZZzzz…

Off to Canada

The backpack is full, the gift bags are ready, the gadgets are charged. I even have some black tea bubble tea for later, when I’ll be driving part of the 10-hour trip. It’s guaranteed to keep me awake until late night with no problem.

I’ll be back on Saturday, when I’m flying from Toronto. Should get to NY around 8 PM, same time as my friends from Romania. And then the fun begins!


Seven more days until my friends get here.

I’ve spent the day cleaning up my place. Not that it was very dirty, but I do like to put extra effort for when I have visitors. Still, that didn’t keep some of my friends here (who know how my apartment usually is) from making fun all week of me and my “neatly organized, no mess, no dust, with everything in the room thoughtfully placed” home (direct quote from Ethan). Which might not be an exaggeration considering it took me 7 hours to clean a place that wasn’t that unclean to begin with. But hey, everything is sparkling now.

I’m checking the extended forecast every day now in order to form a plan of visiting – sunny days for walking the city, rainy ones for museums – but so far it changes every time I look. First there was sun next Saturday, then rain all weekend, this morning it was sun, and now there’s rain on Fri and Sat. So much for weather forecasting.

I’ve also started to fill up the fridge and pantry with all the necessities. Which would be candy, chocolate, ice cream and snacks. They used to raid my pantry when they used to come over back in the day in Romania so I’d figured I’d be a bad host if I wouldn’t give them the opportunity to do it again. I’ll probably regret this.