NY ComicCon

This weekend was the New York ComicCon, the yearly gathering of nerdyness on the East Coast. I was there – with Cindy and a few other friends – for most of the Saturday. You can see my pictures on SmugMug. There are also a few more from Cary, on Flickr.

After the expo we went to see the second part of the Lord of the Rings concert (the first movie was last year) which was as awesome as expected. Looking forward for the third part.

Found It!

Ever since I returned from France, I have a constant craving of good bread. I mean French baguettes, European-style bread, not the crap they sell here. I went so far as to buy a bread maker and experiment with it, with pretty good results.

Still, this morning I managed to find the real thing. I ran across a small bakery in Dumbo on Yelp name Almondine and decided to try it. The baguette was exactly like the ones I had in France, probably because the baker/owner is French. I also tried the almond croissant – since it was so highly praised on Yelp – and I have to say it’s probably the best croissant I had in my life. It sucks the place it’s a bit out of the way for me, but I’m sure I’ll go there again.

The Check

When I got home on Friday evening I found an envelope in my mailbox announcing that I received a speeding ticket while driving in France. It happened on Sunday, during our long drive from Libourne to Barcelona. The fee wasn’t too crazy: 25 euros (which is about $33) and I had instructions on the back written in big bold letters on how to pay: by check or by bank transfer.

The second one seemed a bit trickier on closer inspection, since they required the notification as well, so I decided to go with the check. Therefore this morning I showed up at my local branch of Bank of America to get a check for 25 euros. The clerk there happily informed me that I need to pay $45.

Me: So this is the check value ($33) and your fee, right?
Clerk: No, this is on top of the check value.
Me: $45 to write a check???
Clerk: Yes sir, that is our fee.
Me: Why? It’s a piece of paper! I understand charging an exchange fee, but a fee for writing the check??
Clerk: Well, we have to pay a couple of administrative fees for the people involved…
Me: What people? This isn’t the 1950s, banks no longer have people that write checks by hand! Everything is done electronically!
Clerk: Not exactly sir, there are people involved…
Me: Fine.
Clerk: It will take 3 to 5 days.

I left. They were supposed to call me when it’s ready.

A couple of hours later, in the afternoon, I was checking my credit card statement. And guess what I see: a charge by the rental company for the exact amount of the fine. I take another look at the paper they sent me and this time I notice – in small print – that they listed my credit card number on it. Why would they ask for check or bank transfer in big bold letters is beyond me.

So I run back to the bank. Luckily, I run into the same clerk:

Me: Hi, remember me, I ordered a 25 euro check before…
Clerk: Yes, what is it?
Me: I would like to cancel it.
Clerk: I’m sorry, it’s too late.
Me: Too late? I just ordered it a couple of hours ago. You said it will take 3 to 5 days to get ready. I’m sure it’s not yet written…
Clerk: No sir, we can’t cancel now because everything is done electronically.
Me: (stare of are-you-fucking-kidding-me)
Me: So what do I do now? They already charged my card, I no longer need the check.
Clerk: You can deposit back the check in your account. When it arrives.
Me: ….. Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.


(the following week)

Got a notification in the mail about my check. I show up at the bank, ask to speak to the same guy and I show it to him. He looks at it and goes:

Clerk: Hmmm… so it went through.
Me: What?
Clerk: It was delivered.
Me: Wasn’t it supposed to come here, so I can pick it up and deposit it?
Clerk: (mumbles)
Me: ?
Clerk: It will arrive sometime next week. I will call you and we’ll deposit it back to your account.
Me: (sigh) Thank you.