TOTAL ANNIHILATION: KINGDOMS Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

"We follow the percepts of our father,
His law is clear:
Use no magic when steel and muscle will suffice.
Or disaster and chaos will follow.
We keep this law
Our armies enforce it."


"We travel the waves.
We have seen sights
Our siblings can only imagine
Faraway lands share
Their secrets with us.
We explore. We discover.
We build our wealth and power."


"Time has forgotten us
And we have forgotten time.
Our city is the forest.
Our road is the wind.
Those who visit our shores uninvited
Will perish."


"We seek the unknown.
We find knowledge and power
Hidden from ordinary minds.
Through skill and study
We will attain the impossible
And the world will tremble."


"Swordsmen and Archers,
Wizards and Masons,
Dragons and Orcs and
All manner of other beasts;
Such is the land of our father
Such is the land of Darien."

from an ancient Verunan text

"Lendra - a jewel set aside the bluest bay. All the wonders of the world find their way to the city - for a price, one can acquire exotic spices from Zhon, orchard fruit from the Three Sisters, or even Aramon steel. It is said that once a man visits Lendra, a part of his soul remains there, forever wandering among the graceful spires and cobblestone streets."

from "The Travels of Horvino, Merchant Prince of Lendra"

"Not much time now. Blood has been spilled. Lost some blood of my own. Goblins and Jungle Orcs tracking me by smell. Harpies and Griffons overhead. Where's your luck now, eh Ferrix ?"

from "The Journal of Ferrix the Finder"

"Where once were forests were now only fields of thorns... The mountains rumbled with fire and smoke, and everything was mired in ash; all was as black as a nightsack."

Elam, the capital of Taros, from "The Tale of Grandmother Eder"

"Arise, ye dead ! Tangled bones and mangled flesh may walk; hurl anger and spite at the living. Throw them onto the pyre, we will, throw them into the fire !"

a battle cry of Taros

"Firepits burn, the undead walk and the wizards of Taros prepare their armies of chaos. The land of magic and malice is on the march, and the land will soon feel the iron fist of terror."

from Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
© 1999 Cavedog Entertainment.