"There is no teacher but the enemy."

Mazer Rackham
(Orson Scott Card - "Ender's Game")

"Noble dragons don't have friends. The closest to the ideea is an enemy who is still alive."

(Terry Pratchett - "Guards! Guards!")

"All empires from sunrise to sunset have been given to us, and we own them."

Guyuk, Third Great Khan of the Mongols
(National Geographic - February 97)

"The Mongols, like a brave lion falling upon its pray, pursued them, smiting and slaying..."

Rashid Ad-Din
(National Geographic - February 97)

"Now that the Xipehuzis no longer exist, my soul yearns for them and I dare ask the One what merciless Fate willed the splendor of life begrimed by the black Crime !"

(J.H. Rosny-Aine - "The Xipehuzis")

"Asa au disparut cavalerii Templului, cu secretul lor, in umbra caruia palpaia o frumoasa speranta a cetatii pamantesti. Dar Abstractiunea, de care se lega efortul lor, isi continua, pe taramuri necunoscute viata-i inaccesibila... si nu o data, in decursul vremurilor, ea si-a lasat fluidul inspiratiei in acele spirite capabile sa o primeasca."

Victor Emile Michelet
(Umberto Eco - "Pendulul lui Foucault")

"This book will keep you away from sin, or sin will keep you away from this book."

(Dedication from a Bible)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."

(Terry Pratchett - "Reaper Man")

"What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the reaper man ?"

(Terry Pratchett - "Reaper Man")

"A new death will arise from the minds of the living..."

(Terry Pratchett - "Reaper Man")

"There is no hope but us. There is no mercy but us. There is no justice. There is just us."

(Terry Pratchett - "Reaper Man")

"I remember when all this will be again."

(Terry Pratchett - "Reaper Man")

"A Mage's spells are his life. He knows each of them as a mother knows her children. Once learned, they can never be forgotten. He savors every syllabe as he brings the power within him to bear. For what he performs is not a dry, boring science... it is Art. The Art of Magic."

(Ars Magica, 3rd Edition)

"Sometimes is better to light a candle than curse the darkness."

(Terry Pratchett - "Men At Arms")

"I am The Ancient, I am The Land. My beginnings are lost in the darkness of the past. I was the warrior, I was good and just. I thundered across the land like the wrath of a just god, but the war years and the killing years wore down my soul as the wind wears stone into sand..."

The Tome of Strahd